We value and appreciate taking care of your vehicle all year long, however, the changes in seasons can create such a different driving environment that it becomes necessary to inspect and be certain your car is ready for whatever the weather throws at you! Here’s just a few items that are of concern…

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Your Car Doesn’t Ask For Much

February 4, 2022, 2:13 pm

It’s always there for you, getting you where you need to go. A little extra care this Valentine’s Day in the form of an oil change, tune-up and basic service is the perfect gift for the one who keeps you going. We recommend a little tender loving auto care this Valentine’s Day and beyond. Schedule…

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Hitting a pothole with your car can do a real number on tires, wheels, steering, suspension, and alignment. Potholes occur when water permeates the pavement – usually through a crack – and softens the soil beneath it, creating a depression in the surface of the street. Many potholes appear during winter…

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Keep an Eye on Braking Performance

January 19, 2022, 10:27 am

We’re all starting to see some wet weather out there, so it’s a good time to make sure your brakes are operating as designed. As a diesel pickup, your truck has the best braking package available for your brand due to its increased weight and towing capacity. Depending on how you use your vehicle, you…

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Now more than ever it’s important to maintain your vehicle. Many people overlook preventative maintenance or skip it during the holidays to save money. The best way to save money and extend the life of your vehicle is preventative maintenance. With love your car month just around the corner, start a…

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